Army ROTC strives to develop values-based graduates who offer expert leadership to the campus, the community, and the Army. As such, we offer and encourage cadets to participate in: paid leadership and technical internships in a number of Army military school opportunities in Europe, South America, the Republic of Korea, Alaska, Hawaii, and across the continental United States.
Internship opportunities for cadets widely vary and are updated each semester. Contact the ROTC cadre for current opportunities and questions.
Congratulations to our highly competitive Army & Federal Government STEM Internship Selectees for Summer 2024!
- Cadet Alok Barua (UMBC, Class of 2025)– West Point Department of Physics & Nuclear Engineering Space & Weather Internship Program (SWIP).
- Cadet Nicholas Subong (UMBC, Class of 2025)– Army Research Lab (ARL) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
- Cadet Alexander Gudat (UMBC, Class of 2025)– Army Futures Command C5ISR Internship at Fort Belvoir, VA.
Cadet Troop Leadership Training
For Senior Students:
Cadet Troop Leadership Training (CTLT) is designed as a “follow-on” training experience for ROTC Advanced Camp graduates. CTLT offers cadets the opportunity to intern and perform the duties of a Second Lieutenant in the Army’s basic branches, for up to one month with an active duty unit in the continental United States or overseas.
Actual duties performed will vary by branch and unit but will generally be those duties expected of a Second Lieutenant in that unit. Many cadets will serve as either platoon leaders or assistant platoon leaders. This is a fantastically rewarding opportunity and should be sought by all eligible cadets. Cadets receive pay and allowance equal to 1/2 that of a second lieutenant. Must be an Advanced Camp graduate and not participating in the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP).
List of Summer 2023 CTLT Selectees
- Cadet Colleen Morgan (UMBC, Class 2024)– Air Defense Artillery branch in Germany.
- Cadet Francisco Crespin (UMBC, Class 2024)– Medical Service Corps branch at Fort Bragg, NC
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Robin Sage Internship Program
For Junior and Senior Students:
Robin Sage Internship Program is for rising juniors. To qualify for this internship, the cadet must have an interest in Infantry and/or Special Forces and submit a Robin Sage Internship application with a copy of the cadet’s complete historical APFT card reflecting an APFT results within the last 90 days.
MSIII Cadets fill leader positions within “G” bands. There are 15 “G” bands consisting of three to four cadets, 15-20 regular Army personnel and one “G” Chief. The “G” band conducts link-up operations with Special Forces Student Operational Detachment Alphas, receives specific training and conduct combat and sustainment operations.
This program provides the cadets with opportunities to learn and grow as potential leaders. Areas to which cadets are exposed: Troop Leading Procedures, Mission Planning (Warning, Patrol and Frag orders), Small Unit Tactic (Raids, Ambushes, Recons), Air Operations (Drop and Landing Zones and Message pick-up), Basic Field Craft (Survival, Expedient Navigation), Demolition, Medical, Communications and Weapons. The location for this internship is in the area of Asheboro and Albemarle, NC and Camp Mackall, NC.
Interested cadets should contact ROTC cadre for application process and deadlines.
Specialized Army Career Field Internships
For Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students (program dependent):
Cadets may also apply and compete for specialized Army Career Field internships in the following areas. For more information visit the Cadet Command Internship webpage.

- (1ACSI) First Army Cadet Summer Internship
- (AFIT) Immersive Cyber Education (ICE)
- (AMEDD) Internship Program
- (ARCYBER) US Army Cyber Command Cyber Internship
- (ARL) DEVCOM ARL Cadet Apprenticeship Program (CAP)
- (ASB) Army Science Board Cadet Summer Internship Program (CSIP)
- (ATEC) Army Test and Evaluation Command
- (BIP) Broadcasting Internship
- (C5ISR) DEVCOM C5ISR Center Cadet Summer Internship Program
- (CAA) Campaign Analysis Division, Center for Army Analysis
- (CCB) Circle City Broadcasting
- (CHIP) Chaplaincy Internship Program
- (CPPIP) Cultural Property Protection Internship Program
- (EIP) Engineering Internship Program
- (EVIP) EUCOM Volunteer Internship Program
- (FBI) Federal Bureau of Investigation
- (FIP) Forensic Internship Program
- (JAG) JAG Corps Internship Program
- (JSOC) J6 Communications Internships
- (JSOC) JCU (DevOps) Development Operations Internship
- (LEIDOS) Cadet Internship Program
- (LPT) Laser Propagation through Turbulence Internship
- (MIP) Museum Internship Program
- (MITLL) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory
- (NGICIP) National Ground Intelligence Center Internship Program
- (NSA) National Security Agency Experiential Tour (NET) Program
- (NSERC) Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) – Internship Program
- (NSTP) Nurse Summer Training Program
- (NVIP) NORAD and USNORTHCOM Volunteer Student Internship Program
- (SOCOM) Innovation Ignite Internship Program
- (SWIP) Space Weather Internship Program
- (USASOC-EP) USASOC Engineering Program
- (USSC) United States Security Coordinator – Voluntary Internship Program
- (1ACSI) First Army Cadet Summer Internship
- (JSOC) J6 Communications Internships
- (JSOC) JCU (DevOps) Development Operations Internship
- (LPT) Laser Propagation through Turbulence Internship
- (LEIDOS) Cadet Internship Program
Application window for Summer 2024 are currently closed (AUG-30NOV23). Results are expected to be posted in Spring 2024.
Application window for Summer 2025 will open in Fall 2024.
See ROTC cadre for application requirements, process, and specific deadlines.
Army & Interagency Government Internships
For Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Students:
Cadets may apply and compete for federal sponsored internships to various government agencies and organizations. Opportunities and availabilities change year to year.
Examples of past internships include Cyber Command, NASA, FBI, NGIC and NSA. Special restrictions apply.
Application window for Summer 2025 are open from (SEP-30NOV24). Results are expected to be posted in Spring 2025.
All interested Cadets should contact JHU ROTC cadre for the most updated list of internships, restrictions, and application process.